This November was extremely busy for SmartyAds. Especially due to Ad:tech New York Trade Show, where SmartyAds has exhibited its solution.
Ad:tech is an interactive advertising and technology conference and exhibition – a marketplace for buying and selling, a community for networking, a forum for exchanging ideas and an opportunity for contributing to industry trends and initiatives. The two-day event took place on November 5-6, 2014 in New York City and featured more than 225 technology solution providers representing 21 different countries, keynotes with brand leadership from Unilever,, Pinterest, and more, over 30 topical sessions to choose from in the revamped conference program and thousands of digital marketing peers in attendance with numerous opportunities for networking.

This event became very special for SmartyAds as we found ourselves among the exhibitors presenting the New Programmatic Solution. SmartyAds VP, Business Development Ivan Guzenko shared his thoughts about our latest innovative solution:
"Being insiders of the digital advertising business for many years, at SmartyAds we strive to make the advertising world simple and create handy tools for our clients. SMB has no time to manage complicated campaigns and no extra funds to hire an agency - in this case, we can help. All you have to tell us is what audience you need - the rest is under the hood. Advertising is an investment; we give you ROI still keeping it simple."
We greatly appreciate your attention during the show and each individual visitor of our booth. It was extremely exciting to introduce our brand to a wide advertising audience. Networking with the best industry players helped SA establish new business connections that will greatly influence the directions for the development and escalate our growth. SmartyAds Team has carefully studied all the latest industry trends and technological solutions and is already on its way of implementing some of them. Getting ready to excite our clients with new solutions!