6th of July will be busy day in London. Almost 400 influencers of mobile advertising industry, agency leaders and brands’ representatives will assemble in the Old Truman Breweryn to discuss everything from m-commerce revolution to the marketing strategies in all it’s bearings. Hamish McRae from The Independent will be there. He made a report about the Brexit and its influence on the mobile advertising industry. The CCO of News UK, Chris Duncan, will tell us all about connecting mobile media with advertising and commerce. There will be words of wisdom and many people will come to hear them.

And if you find yourself among the lucky ones, do not forget to be there at 11:55 GMT+1 to hear the forecast on the evolution of programmatic advertising and discover the hottest industry trends. This report will be presented by a true geek of programmatic advertising, co-founder and SVP Business Development at SmartyAds Ivan Guzenko. Get the most of MMS London, grab the opportunity to meet our speaker, come share your opinion with us and other industry experts.
Let’s meet and get large-scale deals done!